Fresh Cranberry Sauce with Cardamom

Like many folks, I grew up with cranberry sauce in a can for the holidays. While that was good, when I went out on my own and discovered fresh, whole cranberry sauce, it was a game changer for me. I’ve made it fresh ever since. This is a recipe I cobbled together from many different sources and adapted to suit my tastes. It’s more tart than many recipes out there and I kinda like that. I find it tastes amazing as a desert with some freshly whipped cream because the cream moderates the tartness and it’s like a decadent yet, pretty healthy treat.


3 bags of fresh cranberries (12 oz each)

1.5 c dark brown sugar

the zest and juice of two large navel oranges

1 tsp of cardamom

1 tsp of cinnamon

1 tsp of ginger

  1. Rinse the cranberries and sort out any that are already soft and mushy.

  2. Put the cranberries in a deep stock pot (they will splatter as they cook and this helps keep you from getting burned).

  3. Add the other ingredients and stir to incorporate completely.

  4. Cook over medium high heat until the cranberries are popping and breaking down and a jelly is starting to form from the liquid.

  5. Pour into a bowl or compote to cool and then refrigerate.


Peggy’s Corn Pudding